
For some golf enthusiasts the only chance to get hold of a winning trophy is through attending seminars or conferences. To be able to be near two such prestigious trophies as the Solheim Cup and the Ryder Cup at the same time – both currently under European hands – was a rare opportunity made possible through the setting up of a golf exhibition in the European Parliament in Brussels by the European Golf Association Golf Course Committee.
The EGA GCC has come together over the last years to represent golf with a single voice at the EU political and policy level. With approximately 6,800 golf courses in Europe, 4.4 million registered and an additional 3.4 million unregistered players, golf has become more than just a sport and has a significant economic impact to Europe.
“The EGA GCC’s focus to date has been primarily on EU environment policy which increasingly impacts all golfing facilities in the 27 EU member states. The Committee’s engagement is characterised on demonstrating how golf is and can further contribute to enhancing biodiversity and sustainability objectives regarding the use of chemicals and water. Furthermore, with the Lisbon Treaty of 2009, sport is now also a competence of the EU and as a result there is a growing political and policy interest in all sports as engines of social well-being, economic growth and employment. Such recognition is a vital ingredient in the efforts being undertaken to grow the game across the European continent”.
The seminar held in Brussels on Tuesday 7th May was over three breakout sessions all chaired by European Members of Parliament. The first session dealt with environmental priorities and progress and included examples of the practical policy implementation. The second session considered golf’s social role whilst the third considered the game’s economic contribution.
The EGA GCC is formed through a partnership from the European Golf Association, the European Golf Course Owners Association, the European Institute of Golf Course Architects, the Federation of European Golf Greenkeeper Associations, the PGA European Tour, the Professional Golf Associations of Europe, the Club Managers Association of Europe and The R&A Golf Course Committee. The seminar was attended by over a hundred delegates from different European organisations.
For more information:
Picture: Doris Pack MEP, Chair of the Culture and Education Committee at the European Parliament.