Introduction to Handicapping
Handicapping is at the heart of amateur golf. The Malta Golf Association is the governing body for golf handicapping in Malta, responsible for and assisting the Area Authority and the Club in maintaining a uniform system of handicapping according to the CONGU® Unified Handicapping System (UHS).
The Aim of Handicapping
To enable golfers of differing abilities to compete on a fair and equitable basis in both stroke play and match play formats of the game.
Whilst it is recognised that handicapping, due to the nature of the game of golf and its varying playing conditions, is not an exact science a high degree of uniformity can still be achieved if all parties honour their obligations by observing the spirit and intent of the CONGU® Unified Handicapping System. By achieving uniformity we can protect one of the unique benefits of handicap golf – giving all participants an equitable chance of success.
This section of the website serves to educate golfers on the principles of handicapping and the many technical aspects of the system, whether you are a Match and Handicap Convenor, a regular player or a newcomer to the game.
Obtaining a Copy of the CONGU® Unified Handicapping System Manual
To purchase a copy of the CONGU® Unified Handicapping System Manual, please contact the Malta Golf Association.
Further Information
In the first instant a golfer requiring more information on the application of the CONGU® Unified Handicapping System should contact the Handicap Secretary at his home club. Alternatively the Association could be contacted. Further information is also available from