
Within a few months from the setting up of the Malta Golf Association in 2006, the R&A had sent over to Malta Martin Westphal to help the MGA in its development process. Martin visited Malta another four times after that introductory visit before a bigger golf course development commitment in Bulgaria prevented him from continuing with his visits. In 2009, he was replaced by David Llewellyn as national team coach.
Now, we have received news that Martin has been recognised in the latest Accreditation for Professional Achievement and Learning (APAL) awards presented to reward 'the wide and varied expertise of PGA professionals'.
“Indeed, Martin has been granted 'Fellow' status in recognition of his pioneering approach to transforming Berlin's Markischer Golfclub Potsdam which was an ailing business concern until a radical new approach transformed its fortunes.
As a former director of golf at the Markischer club in the late 1990s, Martin was shocked to discover three years ago that the Berlin club was bankrupt. Eager to step into the golf management business, Martin, saw an opportunity and, after initially renting it, bought the club outright with investors in October 2010. He has gone from employing one to eight PGA professionals, membership has increased to 1,200 and the number of rounds per week has risen from near zero to 1,400.
The 49-year-old, who has been a PGA pro for 32 years and a British member since 2006, has had to take a radical approach to meeting the modern demands of the golf industry creating an appropriate annual subscription/green fee pricing system, changing the infrastructure of the club and converted part of the restaurant to make the pro shop bigger. Martin also implemented a crèche where kids can be left in a safe environment while parents play a round of golf.
Other developments have been the implementation of physiotherapy and sports science services and a massage and training room, and plans are also in the pipeline for a centre for physical fitness and another for education; the latter because it has become the education centre of the PGA of Germany's junior section.
Martin, who is a member of the PGAs of Europe Education Committee and has also worked in the R&A-funded Golf Development Programme for 14 years, is optimistic about the future and believes other clubs need to adapt in similar fashion.”
Martin is married to Susan. They have two daughters and are expecting their third.
From here we wish Martin every further success and happiness.
“Courtesy of the PGA’s of Europe”