
The first edition of the Generation Cup was played at the Royal Malta Golf Club last Sunday 3rd of July. As a successor to the Father & Son competition, the eligibility criteria for this competition allowed the possibility for a generation relationship between the two players that made up the ‘team’. Furthermore, players under 18 years of age who had no golfing relatives were afforded the opportunity to ‘adopt’ an RMGC member.
In total 22 teams registered for the competition 7 pairs of which were father and son; 4 mother and son; 2 father and daughter; 2 mother and daughter; 3 grandfather and son and 4 adopted pairs. The format of the tournament was two players scramble – medal – with a handicap allowance of 7/8 of the lower handicap.
Despite some good scoring from a number of the participating teams, the handicap allowance had to make a contribution to the end result. Michael Abele playing with his son Bernhard placed 3rd with a net 58 (gross 69) whilst Louis Sansone having been adopted by Matthew Cassar Torregiani came in second place with a net 57 (gross 74). Matthew’s twin 13-year old brother Bernard played with his grandfather, Vincent Curmi, and the combination of youth and maturity was sufficient to give them the first place with a net 56 (gross 74). Gregory Sleath – off scratch and playing with his father – claimed the nearest the pin competition on the par three 7th.
The striking trophy and the prizes for the tournament were presented to the winners by Ian Macpherson, RMGC Club Captain, in the presence of William Beck, MGA President.
In the photo from left: Vincent Curmi, Ian Macpherson, Matthew Cassar Torregiani, William Beck.