
Mr Henning Schulze Doering (first from left in photograph), the Royal Malta Golf Club resident professional has been accepted by the Maltese Olympic Committee to participate in a 10-month coaching course. The course, organised between the Maltese Olympic Committee and Semmelweis University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences (TF), is a pilot project initiated by Malta and local golf has the honour to benefit, together with a small number of other sport disciplines that are affiliated with the Maltese Olympic Committee through their Associations/Federations.
The preparation of young athletes differs from the one of adults, which is obvious based on the differences of the biological development pathway of the young athletes between 14 and 18 years of age. The proposed programme will highlight these fundamental differences and will offer a workable solution for coaches working with young athletes in these ages. The programme is intended to provide the participating coaches with a systematic scientific way to improve their knowledge and skills in the theoretical, technical and practical aspects of coaching in this respect.
The delivery of the programme will mainly be through distance learning for the theoretical subjects delivered by a course management system called Moodle, The distance learning platform is hosted by the Olympic Committee of Malta, where the material of the study units as well as every technical information and message board will be available for the registered participants and maintained and administrated by the MOC’s team of lecturers.
Moodle has a large and diverse user community with over 16 million registered users, Because of the online nature of the course and the flexible residential delivery, the course is globally accessible.
The system includes lessons (through presentations, videos, photos, articles, reading lists and other learning methods); discussion forums; online questionnaires; quizzes; and surveys.
The content in detail is carefully selected to meet the needs of coaches working with young, developing athletes. To train a competent coach, completion of both theory and residential components of the programme is essential. Progress in the training programme requires active coaching to implement the knowledge gained in the programme; therefore all participants are being obliged to work with their own athletes.
Principles of Coaching
Planning and Human Structure and Function
Ethics, Safety and Etiquette in Sport
History and Development of Olympic Movement and International Sport Structure
Communication and Decision Making
Sports Competition Principles of a Coach
Initiated on the weekend of the 12th February, the programme is envisaged to be completed before the end of 2010 with successful graduates receiving the 3rd level Youth Coach's Diploma issued by the Semmelweis University Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences (TF) endorsed by Olympic Solidarity and the Olympic Committee of Malta.