
Last week, golf was part of the SPORTS FOR ALL programme that was organised by the Maltese Olympic Committee together with Agenzija Zghazagh (Youth Agency).
The activity took place on Tuesday 12th August at Mellieha Bay between 19:00 and 23:00 hours and it was good to see a number of national team players come forward to help and encourage Henning – the RMGC professional – in this out of the ordinary effort.
This was the first time that the recently purchased inflatable net was made use of and its success was immediately evident with the number of people that had never tried golf, to wonder over and have a short lesson on how to hit a golf ball. Without such a tool, it would have been impossible for golf to be amongst the other beach sports present on the day.
The sports were visited by the Hon Chris Agius on behalf of Government, by the Hon David Agius on behalf of the Opposition as well as by Mr Julian Pace Bonello MOC President.
Naturally golf had to relax on its dress code throughout the evening.