
Malta’s entry for this year’s World Amateur Team Championship has just been accepted making it possible for Daniel Holland, Andy Borg and JJ Micallef to represent us in the Eisenhower Trophy.
This is the second consecutive time that Malta will go to these games – this time thanks to the immense personal efforts of these three players who coincidentally placed accordingly in the RMGC Championship a few days ago.
This year’s tournament will be held in Karuizawa, Japan from 3 to 14 September. Karuizawa is located 150 km north east of Tokyo and is at 1000 metres above sea level.
Karurizawa was first opened as a summer resort in 1879 by Englishman, A.C. Straw because the scenery and climate reminded him of his home in Scotland, and he built a villa in order to spend the summer months on the highland, and also winter in the snow.
The villa expanded rapidly into Karurizawa township adding hotels, restaurants shops, golf courses, skating ranks, tennis courts and other sports facilities to become a very famous all-year-round resort.
The Kurizawa Prince Hotel Resort and Karurizawa 72 Golf Complex combine to have six 18-hole golf courses and two 9- hole layouts. Included amongst these are the Oshitate Course and Iriyama Course which will be the venues for the Eisenhower Trophy and Espitio Santo trophy of the 2014 World Amateur Team Championships.